10th Ivanhoe Scout Venturers Baubles/Ornaments Christmas Drive 2020

14 Nov 2020 by Tax Edward

Last chance to help the ventures and get a nifty Christmas present


We are still doing below fundraiser so come and help us out

Hi All,

At the start of the year the Venturers wanted to do some fundraising to minimize the cost of the activities. But due to Covid 19 this was not possible.

So this year we have decided to run a Christmas Ornaments/Baubles drive, that should be easy and very profitable for us venturers.

Attached is an order form to get orders from your family and friends. We have made an arrangement to have these personalized.

These personalized baubles are 80mm shatterproof plastic, colored with ultra fine glitter inside.

Attached is some suggestion with the designs you can choose from. If you would like something different, please email myidealgifts@hotmail.com or edwardtax@gmail.com (and I can forward the questions on) and mention you are with Ivanhoe Venturers group and what design you might like. Eg. Ballet shoes, Batman, etc. If you would like something different, this can be arranged or accommodated in most cases.

Please return this form by the 2nd of December and delivery will be the 9th of December.


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